Aries Daily Forecast

It’s a good idea for you to have some conversation starters ready today, because there could be a lot of awkward silences in store for you. In order to initiate some good chats with people you don’t know very well, avoid touchy topics like politics, religion, or money. It’s much wiser for you to stick to safer topics like movies, sporting events, and celebrity gossip. Believe it or not, shallow topics can lead to deep conversations sometimes.
You’re watching your paired-up pals, and you don’t like what you see. Problems, problems. That’s a great thing about being single, so celebrate it.
It’s okay to trust yourself. In fact, when it comes right down to it, you’re it, baby. Yes, you’re in a relationship, but you’re also an individual. Step out on your own and make a few solo decisions.
Money is only one form of energy. You’re letting it be the end-all and be-all. Treat yourself well in small ways and you’ll soon find yourself with all the extra enthusiasm for life you’ve been lacking of late.