Aries Daily Forecast

You could encounter one or two very intriguing people during the course of your day, in person or even online. If you start chatting, don’t make it all small talk. Go deep. Ask a few penetrating questions that require more than a yes or no answer. Be prepared to get the same in return. It will be fun to challenge their opinions, and you’ll have a ball defending your own.
Anyone trying to catch your eye may experience difficulty. You’re probably staring off into space, lost in your own little philosophical world. Try to tune in for a moment now and then.
Try not to obsess about work issues with your significant other tonight. Both of you will have a much better time if you can leave your work at the office.
The wider world seems like a foreign and strange place. All you want to do is hide from it. That sets the stage for downtime and deep thought. Indulge until your opinion of the world softens.