Aries Daily Forecast

A new relationship has been forming in your life, and it could start taking you in some very interesting directions. You two work well together in many different capacities, so you have a firm foundation on which to build a whole new level of relationship. Be open to their suggestions, and remember that this is something the two of you are creating together. It’s a collaboration, so be prepared to listen as much as you talk.
You can’t take another microwave meal. Tonight, take the time to make something healthful and delicious. Whether you dine solo or invite someone to join you, the important thing is to do it up right!
If you shop together, make sure you’re a bit conservative about the purchases. The two of you are likely to egg each other on, and what seems fantastic now might not seem worth it tomorrow.
Don’t bother making plans. They can be changed with a minute’s notice, and with or without your approval. Keep the day wide open, and that includes the possibility of doing nothing much at all.