Cancer Daily Forecast

Keep a careful eye on how you use your new superpower. A superior ability to unerringly wield words as weapons (if subtle weapons that are almost never seen as such until it’s far too late) begins just about now. No matter how long the battle has raged, go easy on your opponents for the time being. You know you’re brainier and better connected to reality, so there’s nothing to prove except your fairness.
Stick with winners for now. You’ve got plenty of time for slumming later on, but right now you need all the positive energy you can find. Enjoy each new possibility today, and save the shenanigans for later.
It’s important to take your work seriously, but don’t take yourself too seriously or you’ll be in danger of losing your sense of humor. If your partner wants to play, consider it. A break might do you a world of good.
You may have been in a slump recently but you are operating in overdrive now. There’s no need to slow down, either. You’re about as productive as you can possibly be without blowing a fuse. If you could keep up the pace indefinitely you’d be retiring early, but you already know another slump is around the bend. Make the most of this phase.