Cancer Daily Forecast

Why limit yourself? Today offers wonderful experiences for every one of your senses, including your sixth. Take full advantage of every opportunity and keep your eyes and ears open. Not only will you be handsomely rewarded, but you’ll discover a few new playful obsessions. The best way to find new stimulation is by experimenting, so step outside your comfort zone and investigate some intriguing new flavors, sights, and sounds!
Being in a hurry isn’t going to do you any favors today. If anything, it’s going to cause you to trip on a shoelace. Slow your pace and enjoy the walk.
Greedy! Who’s calling who greedy? Today, whether you’re called greedy or not, you might deserve the epithet. Stop worrying about what’s yours and start sharing already!
Your pockets don’t go quite as deep now as they once did. You still have plenty of money, though. And you’re not wanting for anything that really matters in life, from love to material possessions. The only place you could use some wiggle room is in being able to be more generous to others. That will come with time.