Cancer Daily Forecast

Stand up from your hiding place and walk into the heart of the game. Throw away the mask that so often hides your feelings. Even if everyone here isn’t an old friend, you can certainly call them your equals. Maybe you’ll take this proud moment to work on that project of all projects: Yourself. This might make you unavailable for now, but there’s always later. Anyone could track you down and ask what you’re doing, and you’d respond openly. None of your reasons are secrets.
Be the first one to the top of the mountain. You are the obvious leader right now in your social circle, and everyone on the periphery is watching you. Including someone special.
Are you the helper or the one getting help? The balance of leadership between the two of you is in flux, and that’s actually a good thing. Mix it up, and do for each other what you each do best.
You need something or someone new in your social scene. Why not? Everything else in life is changing. Get out there and start meeting people. It’s the prefect day to strike up a conversation with a stranger.