Cancer Daily Forecast

You are working on too many good ideas right now to be held back by anyone or anything, so if people are trying to put restrictions on what you can do, work your way around them. Unless it’s the big boss dictating a firm rule, you don’t have to obey anyone except yourself. You are the captain of your ship, and you get to steer it wherever you want it to go. Just fulfill your own goals. Worry about following all the rules later.
Your low energy and the likelihood of bad communication make the possibility of romance seem more than a little unlikely. Save it for later, or at least be extra careful.
Inject something new into your relationship’s mix now. Culture’s in the stars, whether high or low. Consider visiting a museum, taking a ballroom dancing class, or going to an arena rock show together.
All the change you’ve been longing for could be yours if you take the initiative. You have all the energy and determination you need to do just that today. Don’t sit around sighing and waiting. Take the bull by the horns.