Cancer Daily Forecast

Just because you have extremely positive feelings about someone doesn’t mean everyone else does, so make no assumptions today. If no one is as excited about them as you are, don’t worry about it. You need to tone down your feelings anyway and let other people see for themselves what’s so great about this person. Only then can they understand why you feel the way you do, and only then can they come over to your way of thinking.
There’s too much going on in the love department for you to have time to analyze and classify all of it. Relax and let it flow over you. Except for any overbearing people; tell them to get lost.
Do your research before making any big purchases. Even if you’re buying something just for you, your partner can help you avoid making an impulsive decision. If you’re not sure, wait a few days.
It’s a good day to strike up a conversation with anyone who crosses your path today. Whether you’re in a coffee shop, an airport or just walking down the street, the possibilities are endless. One of your new connections will lead you to something lucrative.