Cancer Daily Forecast

Your mind is going to wander today, and sometimes at very inopportune times. This is most likely a sign that you’re moving into a phase when you’re going to be more introverted than usual. You’re not quite connecting with other people at the level you’d like to, so it’s appealing to just go off on your own for a while. But late in the day you could receive an invitation, and it’s one you should accept. This event could hold the key to many major opportunities.
Keep your icebreakers brief and memorable instead of going over the top today. This person doesn’t know you at all right now, and your tone might not translate the way you want it to.
You’re on top of the world this morning and should feel great all day long. Make sure that you’re open and direct with your partner tonight, because confusion will grow until it’s popped.
Bringing work issues home is nothing new, but not being able to deal with them reasonably is. Calm yourself down. Use time-tested mantras like ‘do your best’ and you’ll find it surprisingly easy to do just that.