Capricorn Daily Forecast

Things are starting to really get hopping in a new platonic relationship, but this probably isn’t the start of a hot new romance. If you feel that your new connection is getting stronger and stronger, don’t worry that things will start going in the wrong direction. Be confident that the two of you can continue having your honest and rewarding communication. No one is going to push things in a direction that the other person isn’t interested in going.
Carve out some time just for you, and do what makes you feel happy, grounded, and energized. Whether it’s curling up with a great book or running for miles (or both), your mental state will thank you.
You’ll want to keep things light today, and your partner should be more than obliging. It ought to be one of those lovely times when everything just seems to go right without any effort on your part.
No matter how much you enjoy yourself all week, it’s time to change hats. Whether you’re spending time with children or simply acting childish, make sure that getting things done involves having fun.