Capricorn Daily Forecast

Right now, you need to ensure that the line between your professional and personal lives is clear. Your emotions are strong, and a sad story might motivate you to take on an unwise strategy. You have a wonderful sense of compassion, but it can set you back more than you realize. Being impersonal or objective doesn’t mean the same thing as being unfriendly or rude. You can still be polite and kind, but try to extricate yourself from anything that could get messy.
You’re likely feeling unusually protective when it comes to the realm of romance, whether you’re unwilling to take a risk with your heart or guarding a friend’s best interests. Follow that instinct.
You’ve got romance on the brain today, and luckily for you, so does your partner! Surprise them with a spontaneous date night at home. Mixing things up keeps your relationship interesting.
When children are involved, a top to bottom safety inspection is called for. Something meant for fun and games could actually be harmful. Price doesn’t indicate quality either so be thorough.