Daily Forecast Capricorn 03-14


Capricorn Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You’re in a mood to get rid of every single one of your bad habits today, which is a wonderful goal — but is it an unrealistic one? Don’t try to make yourself perfect in one day! You are a work in progress and you should stay a work in progress. After all, it’s your imperfections that make you so charming. So today, just pick one thing you want to change about yourself and give yourself plenty of time to change it. Expecting too much of yourself isn’t wise now.

Singles Lovescope

Now is the best time to seek new cultural influences. Go to a gallery opening or a new volunteer activity. If you surround yourself with people who share your passions and interests, you’re sure to meet someone you’ll want to know better.

Couple Lovescope

One of the great joys of a committed relationship is growing comfortable with each other. However, you don’t want to take each other for granted. Minding your manners keeps you two alert.


Sometimes taking action is not as effective as doing nothing at all. It’s hard to hold yourself back but that’s what the situation calls for. Take a deep breath and let the chips fall where they may.


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