Capricorn Daily Forecast

It’s time to relax and have some fun, not alone, but not in a crowd of thousands either. You want to enjoy yourself, but you probably also want to spend your time with just one special person, someone you’ve been anxious to spend more time with. Instead of dragging yourself out and pretending to have a good time if you’re not really in the mood, snuggle up, kick back, and enjoy a party of two.
You’re confident on the surface. You know you’ve got the total package with your brains, kind soul, and beauty. The thing is doubt is telling you to protect your heart, so go as slowly as you want.
You’ve got the energy to make anything happen today. Why not tackle the project you told your partner you’d do weeks ago? They’ll be thrilled, and you’ll feel a huge weight lifted off you.
You need to balance your account and fast. Your current projects aren’t going to do the trick. It’s the wrong time of year to drum up anything new, but desperate situations call for desperate measures.