Capricorn Daily Forecast

Right about the time you think that today’s going to be a boring day full of regular sights and sounds, you could get involved in a lovely little flirting match! It might be a cutie you’ve had your eye on, or it might be the person you’ve been seeing for quite a while. But it might also be a total stranger you’ll never see again. Either way, have some fun! Don’t take things too seriously. Enjoy your ability to make someone else happy.
You’re so giving most of the time that you might be expecting some sweet stuff to come back your way sometime soon. It happens when you least expect it, so hang on and try a little selfishness in the meantime.
Keep love light today and everything will go swimmingly. That doesn’t mean you can’t talk about the big issues. Just add a liberal dash of humor to help the discussion go down more easily.
Today you have no career to worry about, no boss breathing down your neck, and almost no right or wrong to deal with. Almost. You still have one sticky issue to put to bed, but you have all you need to figure it out once and for all. The less money is involved, the easier the decision will be.