Capricorn Daily Forecast

A strong sense of anticipation follows you all day. It’s as if you’re on the brink of a major discovery or significant personal breakthrough. Nothing seems impossible right now, but at the same time you might be feeling somewhat emotional. This is a good thing. You have a heightened sense of the importance of your nearest and dearest in your life. Remember that hugging your child for no obvious reason or whispering endearments to your partner are good practices all the time, not just when you’re feeling so blessed.
Something (or someone) that seemed within your grasp seems to slip away, but it may just be a postponement. Relax. It’ll happen if and when it’s meant to be.
The answer to your problem is out there somewhere, but right now everything seems a bit hazy. Save the search for another day and concentrate on a sure thing. There’s nothing unclear about your feelings for your honey.
It’s a good day to start getting financially fit. There is plenty of flab to cut out of your daily spending. Some of it won’t even be missed, but some will feel like quite the sacrifice. Don’t bore people with all you have to go without. It could lead to an ugly conflict.