Capricorn Daily Forecast

Put your fantastic observation skills to good use today — they could help you save lots of money. It’s time to adopt some of the money-saving ideas that a friend or family member has recommended, even if they don’t sound easy or particularly enjoyable. Any discomfort you feel today will be worth it. And if you are looking for good ways to spend your money, an interesting investment opportunity will appear today. Do your research before you commit.
Someone close shows their appreciation in an unusual fashion. Be as gracious as you can without making any advances in return. Weigh your feelings carefully before taking action.
Today, one of those big things we like to refer to as a “relationship issue” could surface. Give it a big hug, then invite it in for tea and a discussion.
You’d love for your bank balance to grow exponentially, but the only thing likely to double today is your BMI. Let yourself indulge, though, because days like these come but once a year. Relax knowing someone else is picking up the tab.