Capricorn Daily Forecast

Are you feeling unsure about how you’re going to fare in an upcoming social situation? Don’t worry. You will have friends and familiar faces there to help you get through any tricky spots! You’ve got to get out of your own head right now and be more social, and it’s okay if you need help to do it. Why are you fearing emotional upheaval when all you’re going to have is an awful lot of fun? Loosen up and let the people who care about you care about you!
Your money situation’s a little soft lately. You’ve lost sight of your long-term financial goals. Take time today to refocus your efforts. Don’t be afraid to move some money around. You’ll only improve your return.
Create a playful mood with your partner today, and have fun while increasing your intimacy. You’re not serious all the time out of the bedroom, so why should you be when you’re in it?
You may think you’re giving some creative advice but you’re really only cutting into someone unnecessarily. That’s no fun for anyone on the receiving end. Hold your tongue until it bleeds if you have to. It will pay off.