Capricorn Daily Forecast

If you are in the midst of a budding relationship, the worst thing you can do right now is to try to rush things. Don’t push yourself to meet a certain milestone. You can’t spend your time worrying about what you’re doing right and what you may be doing wrong. Just be you and relax. You can be totally flirtatious and have a lot more fun if you’re not doubting yourself or wondering why certain words haven’t been said yet. This isn’t a race; it’s an experience.
Someone’s going to need a hand today, and you are the right person for the job. There are certain things you’re brilliant at. Swallow your ego and help out your pal. You’ll be rewarded for your virtuousness.
Did your partner do something to rub you the wrong way? Chances are good it was an innocent misunderstanding. Best to clear the air now and say exactly how you feel about their actions.
When you were a teenager, you had a hard time balancing your social life with your school and family obligations. Now that you’re an adult, you’re too driven to be distracted by those kinds of issues. But if you take a minute to think about your life, you’ll see that you still lack balance. You’re just on the other side of the fulcrum now. Remind yourself that money isn’t everything.