Capricorn Daily Forecast

On certain days you’re just plain old lucky, no matter who you’re with, what you do, or whether it’s a foolhardy move or not. This is your day to be lucky. This doesn’t mean you should take off for a day of skydiving or motorcycling on the freeway, but if you’ve been thinking about getting to know someone new and you’re feeling a bit on the shy side about starting a conversation, think about that good fortune and use it.
Your powers of observation are sharp today, which comes in handy when looking for love. Let logic and instinct tell you when and how much to share.
Understanding your needs (let alone your partner’s) can be a daunting task and a seemingly endless one. Asking questions helps. Meditation and quiet time do too. It’s how you keep a relationship fresh!
You could keep slogging away, hoping all your hard work pays off, or you could ditch the effort and go for something more fun. But that choice is only in your daydreams. In your less creative moments, you know just which options you’re stuck with.