Capricorn Daily Forecast

Your brain is on a definite intellectual upswing today, so goofy sitcoms, gossipy websites, and silly memes just aren’t going to cut it for your hungry brain. Right now, you’re eager for work. You need a challenge, and the crazier the better! Stretching your body feels good and so will stretching your mind. Hop on board with a friend or coworker’s latest project, they will love your involvement and give you a nice big chunk of responsibility. This is what you’ve been waiting for.
You’re vaguely interested in a certain someone. Perhaps you’re attracted to their enigmatic patina. Though a little mystery is great, it’s not always the best asset for a long-term relationship. If you can’t imagine this person mixing with your people, don’t expect much.
Isn’t there something you two have been longing to do for a very long time now? Move on it even if it requires a leap of faith. Either new ground will appear beneath you or, better yet, you’ll learn to fly.
Everyone is cutting corners and discarding the extras in their lives. When it comes to employees, decisions can be painful. Start with the flighty and unreliable if you have to start somewhere.