Capricorn Daily Forecast

Don’t worry too much about how other people perceive you today. Being self-conscious will hold up your progress considerably and cause you unnecessary stress. Forming your opinions based on majority rule might seem like the easy way out, but in the end it will put you in uncomfortable, false situations. Being popular isn’t worth sacrificing your independent thinking. So do what you want to do and ignore what other people think.
Be assertive about what you want in your love life and what you don’t. The stars say now is the time to look to your romantic future and pave the way for some major improvements.
You can’t always figure out what your partner is thinking. Heck, you can’t figure out what you’re thinking, either. But you two can have one great time when you put your heads together. Just do it, already!
You have more flexibility than you knew. Adversity is bringing out a side of you you’ve never been aware of before. Don’t get upset if things don’t progress the way you wanted them to. Consider it more boot camp.