Capricorn Daily Forecast

All of your past choices have helped you become the person you are today. You should be very proud of all the lessons you’ve learned and all the paths you’ve walked. People always rely on you to do the right thing, and today is no different. Make sure that when you’re presented with a decision, you think first about what is right and not about what is popular. There is a huge difference. Stay consistent. Be true to your reputation for being honorable, and everyone will understand.
Having a quick mind today keeps you from landing in hot water. While improv may be your forte, sometimes it’s better to hush up instead of interjecting the first opinion that pops into your head.
Impress your partner with a surprising talent you’ve been hiding under a rock. Don’t stifle your own creativity. The world does enough of that without you helping it along.
Someone is trying to rush you, and that just makes you dig in your heels. You’re natural instincts are to go slow and do all of your research before putting down any of your money, and today is no exception. Don’t budge until you are good and ready.