Capricorn Daily Forecast

Be careful about getting too caught up in your dreams right now, the nocturnal ones, not the ones that inspire your daily goals. Just because the odd images that your brain cooks up while you sleep are captivating doesn’t mean that they are meaningful. Jot them down if you must, but don’t take any heavy meaning from them. There may be some issues being addressed by your subconscious, but don’t worry. If you need to think about them, they’ll come up to your conscious mind.
You exert irresistible command over your environment. That’s why when it comes to dating — without being too course — don’t trash where you eat. Avoid bringing a first, second, third, even fourth date to your favorite hangout. Psychos abound.
Mixed messages make you less of an exotic enigma and more of a pain in the neck. Offer your partner a few clues to your current mood. Avoid discussing weighty couple issues for the time being.
The thing about conflicts with those you usually get along with is that they’re way uglier than the everyday ones. Those you’re used to. The one you’ll experience today is out of left field. It goes without saying it has to do with money.