Capricorn Daily Forecast

Don’t let your flirting skills get rusty! Even if you’re in a long-term, committed relationship, flirting should still be a part of your life. After all, it’s not a big commitment or infidelity. It is (or it should be) harmless. So just have fun today and brighten someone’s day by telling them how sweet, cute, or funny you think they are. Chances are they’ll send the same kind of love right back at you!
You could overhear a stranger reminiscing about their romantic past and it triggers a memory for you. The pieces all fall together to provide a clue about what you should do in the present.
You’re going to have to do your best imitation of a rubber band when it comes to dealing with your relationship. Don’t understand what that means? Be flexible, silly! The more you bend, the happier your partner will be.
You’re tripping over your own feet in your haste to escape a major source of discord in your life, and spending is just the tip of the iceberg this time. That kind of response is rare for you. You’re more of a fight than a flight type of person. Your intense feelings are all you need to know, though, and they are impossible to ignore.