Daily Forecast Gemini 01-20


Gemini Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

At times, being blunt can be charming. People can appreciate a person who cuts to the chase and doesn’t waste their time with empty compliments or wishy-washy sentiments. Dust off your direct manner of speaking and don’t be afraid to tell it like it is. You’ll know just how to use the right amount of diplomacy without diluting your message. You can make people understand that they’re in the wrong without making them feel like you’re accusing them of anything.

Singles Lovescope

A brief relationship can be an invaluable learning experience. Not every love situation is forever. Some are for right now. Think of this as a sentimental education in the process of getting your advanced degree.

Couple Lovescope

You and your partner are probably at odds with each other over something small, but that triviality doesn’t mean you should give up! Be sure to stay respectful, but try to get your way.


Your friends are on your mind. You have decisions to make regarding each one individually as well as a big one to make about them all. Your budget will ultimately dictate your final answer, so work on that first.


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