Gemini Daily Forecast
Money changes everything, especially if you’re having problems with it. In and of itself, money is neither good nor bad, but it is a source of energy that you should respect. Are you being careful with your resources? Or is your relationship with your finances perhaps a little less than healthy? If the latter situation is true, now is the time to take a good, hard look at how you deal with your cash.
Get ready for busy nights. Arelationship you thought was going to fizzle out could suddenly become red-hot. Enjoy this exciting new development.
You’re burning hot right now, so make sure you schedule some time for the two of you. The relationship dynamic is like a very sexy chess game, and it’s your move.
Your creativity levels soar. You can make a boatload by harnessing this artistically fertile energy. It may sound counter-intuitive, but even the most talented of artists don’t take a vow of poverty. Go ahead and cash in.