Gemini Daily Forecast
The pressure of a deadline could be bearing down on you today, but once again you’re going to meet it without any problems. Other people will be amazed by how you skilled you are at finishing work that needs to be done in record time, and they’ll probably want to know what your secret is. Of course, you don’t have to tell them! You have pride in your abilities, and some of the pride could be diluted if you gave away all your techniques. Keep your secrets.
Today, you’re not just having a good time, you’re have a really good time! And you don’t just like them, you really like them! And you aren’t just good looking, you’re amazing!
You’ve been wanting to ask your partner something and been waiting for the right moment. Well, now is as good a time as any to get things out in the open. Go for it.
You’re going to stick with the tried and true. No, you’re going to go for something completely foreign and new. It all depends on who you’re talking to at the moment, because you are easily swayed by the financial styles of anyone you come into contact with today. Surround yourself with wealthy types.