Daily Forecast Leo 01-03


Leo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

So what if things aren’t going exactly the way you want them to today? Just keep pushing forward. Your persistence will pay off. This situation is taking more time than you planned, but perhaps your expectations were a bit too optimistic. Maybe you need to slow down anyway and learn the benefits of patience. Anything worth having is worth waiting for. Immediate gratification doesn’t always bring long-lasting value.

Singles Lovescope

If you’re fitting people and emotions into pigeonholes, you shouldn’t be too surprised if they squawk and try to fly away. Your own feathers might get ruffled as well! Just relax and see everything for what it is.

Couple Lovescope

Whether you’re still enjoying the honeymoon period or you’ve been united for decades, today is a great time to revisit assumptions and routines that bog down your relationship.


Don’t let yourself feel bored. As soon as you start wondering when the next car is going to come through the town’s only intersection, you’ll find yourself in a traffic jam. Enjoy both being busy and having not much going on.


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