Daily Forecast Leo 01-08


Leo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

If anyone can sweet-talk their way into an extended conversation, it’s you. And you’re an expert at putting others at ease. This skill will come in handy today when you meet a stranger who maybe isn’t such a stranger at all. You’re so intrigued you can’t believe you never made an effort to get to know this person before. If this is someone you want to know even better, don’t let the evening come to an end. Exchange life stories.

Singles Lovescope

Don’t rehash past pain or embarrassment. It’s time to let go. Avoid letting your whole day revolve around memories. Figure out what’s triggering your feelings and write it down privately. You’ll feel better quickly.

Couple Lovescope

Right now, you and your partner are practically telepathic. That’s how deep your soul connection goes. Ride out this wave for as long as you can. It will lay the foundation for your future together.


You need to stick with the program, even if you think changing tacks now will move you forward faster. The goal isn’t the quickest possible profit. Just because you’re not making huge progress now doesn’t mean your efforts won’t pay off in the not-too-distant future.


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