Daily Forecast Leo 01-19


Leo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

There are many ways to connect with someone you want to build a relationship with. Most of your attention has probably gone into looking good and creating sparks, but the truth is there are many different routes that can provide a much deeper and more rewarding connection. Today, try to use humor, intellect, or your political philosophy in a new way with this special person. These areas of your life could help everything come together in a more satisfying way.

Singles Lovescope

You’re liable to stretch the truth a bit, especially when you’re out with people you barely know, namely that first date. If you can avoid misrepresenting yourself, do it. Honesty counts. You’re enough as you are without embellishments.

Couple Lovescope

Your brain’s working overtime when it comes to a situation between the two of you, but at a certain point your heart’s got to make its judgment call. Seek emotional as well as intellectual clarity.


It’s the same old issue, again and again. Your home life is sucking up way too much of your money. Balancing this particular budget is like putting a saddle on a wild horse. Just because it’s not easy doesn’t mean it’s not important. In fact, it’s imperative.


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