Daily Forecast Leo 01-29


Leo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Get ready for some fun conversations today! Due to a rare combination of positive feedback, confidence, and coincidence, you’ll be able to hold your own with a wide variety of people. You can make real connections if you step out of the autopilot mode than’s so easy to slip into. Skip the comments about the weather or the weekend. Move right in to dreams, hopes, and ideas. Find out what makes people tick.

Singles Lovescope

Today you could be tempted to lower your standards just to get a date. But the romance you deserve won’t happen if you let desperation get the best of you. Be patient for the right person to come along. They’re out there!

Couple Lovescope

Remember that you need to be strong yourself if you want to support your partner. Today is perfect for shoring up those parts of your own life that you think will be important for the both of you.


Your own workings aren’t the only internal things of import right about now. Don’t waste time trying to figure yourself out. What you really need to analyze are the numbers.


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