Daily Forecast Leo 03-28


Leo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

There are going to be a lot of enthusiastic people around you today, which is usually fun. But the trouble is that what they are all excited about is really snoozeville for you. You’re simply not feeling it the way they are. Rather than fake your feelings and try to hop on the happy bandwagon, just get your distance from the crowd. Go off on your own. If you stick around with that sour attitude, you could rain on their parade, which is no fun for anyone.

Singles Lovescope

Compassion works for you now more than ever, so try to see things from other perspectives as much as you can. Maybe the cutie you’re chatting awkwardly with is just nervous, or your late date ran into traffic.

Couple Lovescope

When things are going smoothly, it’s easy to get into a rut. Change your routine to keep things lively. Try one new thing today like a new place for dinner or a back rub before bed.


You want to be disciplined, but you just can’t keep your eyes on the prize. Don’t fight it today. Be compassionate towards your more childish emotions and let yourself be sidetracked.


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