Libra Daily Forecast

The heavens are chock full of unpredictable energies at the moment, which is right up your alley. Does this mean you’ll be inspired to be even more impulsive, eager and enthusiastic than you usually are? This could make it a bit tough for you to concentrate. Better give it a shot, though. The powers that be are watching. Closely.
You may be more emotional than usual today. A friend offers a sympathetic ear, but you might feel a strong desire to be alone for now. Find a place of comfort and listen to your heart. Romance comes later.
In a less-than-discreet moment, your sweetheart wonders why you’re wasting your talents in a dead-end situation. Strangely, you appreciate their bluntness. Secretly you’ve been wondering the same thing.
You’re momentarily longing for the old days, when life and all the forms that went with it were simpler. But you’re forgetting about all the old issues that went along with your former life as you take your stroll down memory lane. Be thankful for all the ground you’ve gained, even if it is more work to maintain.