Libra Daily Forecast
You’ve always been no-nonsense, especially when it comes to your work. Your colleagues are more than willing to attest to that, but if some higher-up drops the ball in any way now, no one needs to say a word. You’re definitely ready to let them have it, no matter where you are or who happens to be in the vicinity. Just be careful. Regular paychecks come in handy!
This restless, indecisive day isn’t great for making any definite moves. So scour that dating app or smile at fellow commuters as much as you want, but put off any serious action for a while.
You and your lover can have a good time doing anything, so why not put that to the test? Challenge each other to come up with crazy ideas, then pick the one with the best potential to be wild.
Be brave! Putting food on the table has always been one of life’s biggest challenges. Think of yourself as a hunter gatherer if that helps get you motivated to drum up your finances.