Pisces Daily Forecast

You could be the recipient of some significant kindness today, but there might be some strings attached. It’s not that you aren’t worthy of being treated well; it’s just that some people see you as a ticket to get them where they want to be. But what they don’t know is that you’re smarter than the average person, and you aren’t going to let them fool you. Just play along and see how far they’ll take it. It could be quite amusing!
Your values and intuition will set the tone for your romantic pursuits throughout the day. Make sure to follow their lead. They’ve never failed you before and they won’t now.
After a super busy day working, you’re ready for some relaxing this evening. When your partner asks you what you want to do, tell them a back rub and a classic movie sounds just about perfect.
You know not about the financials and you know how to be thankful, but your subconscious is rumbling. As long as you’re in this kind of mood, be careful spending time with others.