Pisces Daily Forecast

Your health might become an issue today. All of the long hours spent working and short hours spent sleeping are starting to catch up to you. Take a break today and sleep in if you can. Eat a hearty, healthy breakfast. Make sure you get in a good long walk or some other kind of exercise. And, emotionally speaking, you might need to get something off your chest before the day is over. Speak up and resolve an issue that’s been ongoing with an inconsiderate person.
You’re getting the main drift of the message, but what about the big picture? Figure out the deeper meaning as well as the little details that matter to your love life. Think about the energy you’re emitting.
Stand your ground or you could agree to something that you’re having second thoughts about. It’s not that your partner’s sneaking anything by you. It’s just that relationship shorthand can’t communicate the nuances.
You have an interest rate most would swoon to be near. It’s the celebrity of the financial stratum, and yet it bores you to tears. Face it, you miss the wild ride of yesteryears. Learn to get used to the safe and predictable.