Pisces Daily Forecast

At work, now is the time for you to be a model employee in every sense of the word. Important people are keeping an eye on you! Resist the urge to goof off when you have some free time. If you can, go back and double-check your work to make sure you’ve covered all the details. Become self-centered in a professional sense. You should only pay attention to things today that will help you or your career. Gossiping doesn’t make the cut.
If you’ve got a journal, write in it for a good, long time today. If not, treat yourself to prettiest notebook and see how grounding writing can be. It’s the perfect time for introspection.
Even if your partner is looking for a fight, you won’t lose your temper. You’ve got everything under control, and most likely the two of you will just end up having a fine time no matter what.
Being your own boss has its pitfalls and you’re experiencing one. Maybe you’re being a bit too lenient with your own performance. Who knew that having a problem boss was so motivating for you. Start giving yourself a harder time.