Pisces Daily Forecast

Today you could get a stronger sense of what your role in a relationship is, and you might not like what you discover. You thought there was permanence to this partnership, but now you’re not so sure. Before you throw in the towel and assume it’s all over, have a conversation with the other person. Tell them what you think about the balance of power between the two of you and ask them if what you fear is true. Chances are good you’ve misunderstood something.
If you can find something totally unexpected and wonderful to do today, you may find someone totally unexpected and wonderful along the way. Your heart will thank you for a pleasant shock.
Take a long, hard look at what’s going on inside your heart rather than try to write off these feelings as a “mood” or something you ate. Are you having real concerns about where you and your partner are headed?
You’ll never accomplish your dreams by doing as little as possible. Yes, change has come, but don’t expect the profits to just appear on your doorstep in a basket. Your inertia is your only remaining problem.