Sagittarius Daily Forecast

Head home as early as you can today. You just aren’t in the mood to deal with that one boss or important client who doesn’t see things the same way, and you might feel the need to tell them off or even to let them know they’re just plain wrong. That sweet reputation could give way to something with more of an edge, which could be good or bad for you. If you’ve been bottling up your rage, you need to work it out through exercise or some other harmless activity.
New, new, new. That’s the mantra for today. Order your morning coffee a new way. Take the long way home. Try a new restaurant for dinner. The more new territory you cover, the more new opportunities you’ll have.
Your dreams may be especially vivid for the next few days since your subconscious is kicking around some big ideas. Enlist your partner to help you decipher your nighttime soap operas.
Things are starting to add up to something that makes a bit of financial sense. It may not seem like a big achievement to others but it is to you. You’re the one who has been lost in the dark, and that tiny bit of light at the end of the tunnel is a huge relief.