Sagittarius Daily Forecast
Surround yourself with people who are down-to-earth and grounded today. You know, the people who might not always know what the hottest trends are. These people have the right kind of focus, and you could really benefit from it. They will be able to help you become much more grounded yourself! Take a tip or two from a really mellow person and you will start to learn how to stay cool, calm, and collected in the midst of the most stressful situation. You can learn how to filter out the noise.
If the dating rigmarole is wearing you out, maybe it’s time to take a break. Don’t feel obligated to bring your best friend’s sister’s single best friend out to dinner — say no. It’s okay. Focus on yourself and reassess your romantic goals.
Stuff going on beneath the surface could be making you uncomfortable, especially if you feel like your partner’s not being entirely straight with you. Try a conversation that’s more exploratory than interrogative.
You’ve learned not to take financial risks but you still haven’t applied the lesson to other areas of your life. You’re leaving yourself open to being burned, yet again. The phrase ‘live and learn’ doesn’t seem to apply, though, because this risk is one of a kind.