Sagittarius Daily Forecast
Today is the right day to let go of things that are holding you back in life. You should start with any grudges, regrets, or fears. Free yourself of the mental roadblocks you sometimes place in front of yourself, and you’ll be able to connect more concretely with the people you care most about. You’ll find an easy way to bring up a tough topic of conversation, and it’s a talk you’ve been needing to have for a while. After it’s done, you’ll feel even freer.
Your quicksilver mind and humanitarian spirit are both blossoming like crazy now, and the bloom shows in your face. Don’t be surprised if like-minded people crowd around.
It feels like information is coming at you two from just about everywhere, and with good reason. It is. Pay special attention to dreams, coincidences, and moments of serendipity. They’re all trying to tell you something.
It’s time to take a long, hard look at your relationships. Are you always the one helping others? If so, it’s time for them to reciprocate for a change. And if you’re always whining for help, buck up and be of service to someone else. These relationships are a reflection of your relationship to money.