Sagittarius Daily Forecast

If you know you should get into contact with a certain someone, do it sooner rather than later. Over the next few days, even the most routine conversations might be difficult to arrange. Why not spend the evening on the phone or with someone you’ve been wanting to get together with for a long time? Take this opportunity while you can because it won’t last forever.
You’re a free spirit, and right now you’re full of hot ideas and zippy energy! You’re loving your life and your independence, and that makes you even hotter!
The stars are giving a signal that it’s definitely time to have one of those state-of-the-union talks. It doesn’t have to be a big heavy deal, but if there’s something on your mind, bring it up.
Bliss, what’s bliss? This is a very short period where you’re feeling challenged on the domestic front as well as the financial front. They go hand in hand, of course. Know you can weather the coming week.