Sagittarius Daily Forecast

It can be hard to see too deeply into muddy waters. If you try to do anything to clear them up, you’re more likely to just make things worse than get a better view. Since confusing circumstances are the order of the day, you need to try to see what’s really going on before you decide on a course of action. Patience is much more valuable to you than even the most well-thought-out plan.
Your coupled pals may be awesome, but they’re just not able to understand you for the time being. Spending more time with your single friends will be a lot more fun for you and for them.
This is too good to be true, or is it? Could it be that it’s exactly as good, or even great, as you two deserve? Until proven otherwise, why not assume that you’ll receive every fantastic thing you could hope for?
For some things you just don’t want an audience. Even exceptionally good news needs to be shared in private today. Mark the occasion in your own special way, so that only you understand the significance of it.