Daily Forecast Sagittarius 07-08


Sagittarius Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

A minor infraction at work or school could leave you feeling like you’re being unfairly singled out today. But before you fire back defensively, stop. Take a deep breath. Step back and take a good long look at who you’re spending your time with. These folks may be getting you involved in antics that aren’t necessarily healthy for you right now. And it might be in your best interests to take a break from them and go it alone for a while.

Singles Lovescope

If that one hottie isn’t responding to your moves or overtures, remember that there are literally tons of fish in the sea — and that Cupid hates a quitter! Smile proudly and keep working the the line.

Couple Lovescope

The plans you laid earlier are starting to come to fruition. You and your partner can look forward to a very bright future thanks to your hard work. You deserve a celebration!


You’re very sensitive to the thoughts of others, from superficial musing to deep thinking. It’s completely involuntary and you honestly have no desire to know most of what you’re picking up on. The saving grace is not being sure if it’s real or just in your own head. Don’t bet the farm on anything you learn through the back door.



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