Daily Forecast Scorpio 02-08


Scorpio Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Hard work always reaps rewards, but it’s not always the most fun way to get what you want out of life. There are other legitimate ways, like using your charm. It isn’t appropriate in every situation (a smile at the DMV won’t make the line move any faster), but today there will be at least one situation that you can help resolve in your favor simply by being your charming self. Whenever someone in power can use their discretion, you should use your personality. You have nothing to lose.

Singles Lovescope

If you’re meeting someone today, keep things light and breezy. It’s not a great time to cut to the chase or share your deep, dark secrets. Be patient and let things happen — this might have potential.

Couple Lovescope

You’ve got so much going on at work and in other areas of your life that it might be hard to find time for your partner. A call or DM is okay for maintenance, but try to find a little more room for your relationship.


Don’t get involved with stuff you are unsure of, and you are unsure of everything. In fact, you don’t know if you’re in a fishbowl or in the ocean swimming with sharks, so don’t bite.


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