Daily Forecast Taurus 01-02


Taurus Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

This could be a surprising day. It might start off smooth and easy, but don’t let yourself get too comfortable! As the day moves forward, there will be a lot of noise coming from people who are relatively new to the scene. You’ll need to pay close attention to what’s being said and take note of who is saying it. However, be very careful to avoid getting caught up in any drama, no matter how trivial it may seem. You don’t need to be distracted by other people’s problems.

Singles Lovescope

The same-old, same-old can get a fresh new slant now, if only you’re willing to change things up a bit. Be flexible and lose the expectations, especially in romantic matters. Someone may really surprise you.

Couple Lovescope

Build your plans for your relationship on a deep foundation and you’ll create something that will last. You’ve already got a good start, so keep on the same path.


A new acquaintance strikes your fancy. You may hope and wish to know them better, or you could simply make plans for the weekend. Put thoughts of money aside long enough to ask.


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