Daily Forecast Taurus 03-28


Taurus Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Mixing business with pleasure isn’t a wise move right now. If you’re thinking of cooking up a romance in the workplace, turn off the heat ASAP! Get back to work, and stop spending so much time mooning over that cutie. Things are all coming together on a big project, and it looks like you’re going to hit a home run, perhaps even a grand slam. Invest your energy is something that will definitely help you, not on someone who might distract you from important things.

Singles Lovescope

You’re more interested in hanging out by yourself than going out. Watch your favorite movie and treat yourself to a quiet night in. Your thrilling life should still be there when you’re ready to reenter it.

Couple Lovescope

You’ve got to keep calm even if your partner is totally baiting you. There’s no need to escalate the situation. If you keep things quiet, soon you’ll see that it’s all a misunderstanding.


You don’t have any extra fat in your budget to discard. That’s okay, because you have no emergencies to handle today. Just be sure to be economical in all you do, from spending right down to conversation. If it’s not important, save your breath.


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