Virgo Daily Forecast

A situation could rapidly escalate from a tiny touch of jealousy to a great big dose of all-out resentment via one sentence spoken in the wrong tone at the wrong time. It can’t hurt to have someone on your side who’s an expert adviser or negotiator. This situation does beg the question, though, and that is how does it feel to be on the other side of the coin? Aren’t you usually the peacemaker? Regardless, enjoy the night off. Guess what goes around really does come around. Even the good stuff.
Your libido has gone out the window recently. It’s no wonder that when it’s all work, work, work and no play, you’re bound to let things slide. Hook up with someone. If you have a friend with benefits, now’s the time to make the call.
It might feel like the situation is slipping out of your control, but that’s exactly what needs to happen. Don’t worry too much about the specifics — focus instead on the much-bigger picture.
You’ll meet just the right person to pull you out of your funk. You’ll learn through example that having a good time is possible even in the worst of scenarios. Pass on the lesson.