Virgo Daily Forecast

Try to be more active than you usually are right now. It would be a good idea to mix your energy with the energy of others, preferably with you in some sort of leadership position. You’ll feed off the fresh energy of disparate voices and get a wonderful lesson on how to adapt to different expectations. The volume of your life has been nice and quiet, but is it putting you to sleep?! Turn it up and invite a little bit of turmoil!
Whether things are sweet and light or not so much wholly depends on your attitude today. Bring something special with you everywhere you go. Make the most of you time with others and someone may return that favor.
You’re going to want to splurge on something big, and that might take some convincing if your partner has anything to say about it. Tonight is a good time to talk things over.
A lot more can be achieved with one long distance call than you could ever hope to accomplish working by yourself. Face it, you need that contact. And the surprising thing is, they need you, too. Remind yourself it’s just business if that makes it any easier.