Cancer Daily Forecast

If someone is intent on getting all they can and then some out of you, remind them politely but firmly that you can only give so much and that you’re tapped out for now. You’re totally within your rights to insist that they back off and give you more room to breathe. Though it’s true that you’re totally capable of dealing with multitasking, enough is enough for now.
A friend’s recent bout with egomania may make you wonder if they need a lecture. You hate playing the parent, but if someone doesn’t say something soon, it could be too late. Your own search can wait a day.
Staying in is more appealing than going out tonight. Entice your partner to join you by creating a cozy space for the two of you. You’ll completely forget about the outside world.
Some people get overly emotional today, but not you. In fact, you’re counted on to keep the peace. You’re not the authority exactly, but you do sit at the head of the table. You handle your position with grace.